Defining Custom Table Styles In Microsoft Word Mac

  1. Table Style In Word
  2. Ms Word Table Styles
  3. Defining Custom Table Styles In Microsoft Word Mac 2011
  4. Defining Custom Table Styles In Microsoft Word Mac Download

Want to know how to style tables in Microsoft Word for Mac 2011? It's easy and this video will show you how it's done. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular word processing application, new to MS Word 2011 or even an expert merely looking to brush up on the. To get at all the table styles Word has to offer, click anywhere within the table you want to format and then follow these steps: Choose Format→Style from the menu bar. Click the List pop-up menu and choose All Styles to remove the filter from the style list. Click in the Styles list and then press T to get to the table styles.

Right-click the text on which you want to base a new style. In the mini toolbar that appears, click Styles, and then click Create a Style. In the Create New Style from Formatting dialog box, give your style a name and click OK. Your new style will now appear in the Styles gallery. Microsoft Word, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office for Mere Mortals / Beginners, Documents, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Training, Word-Processing / 8 ways to improve on Word's Table Styles. By Office for Mere Mortals 14 May 2014. A style helps you format text in a document. Microsoft Word styles exist to help you do both simple and complex formatting. In Microsoft Word, you can apply formatting to a document directly using the functions from toolbars and menus. To create a table by defining a specific number of rows and columns (up to a maximum of 63 columns), follow these steps: Click the Insert tab. Move the cursor where you want to insert a table. Click the Table icon. A pull-down menu appears. Click Insert Table. The Insert Table dialog box appears. Jul 12, 2019 On the dropdown menu when you click the “Table of Contents” button, choose the “Custom Table of Contents” option. In the Table of Contents window that opens, click the “Options” button. In the Table of Contents Options window, next to each available style you want to use (these are Word’s built-in styles starting with Heading 4), type the TOC level you wish to use.

These topics discuss:

  • Styles and formatting.

  • Templates.

  • Sample templates.

  • Formatting application.

  • Style planning.

  • Style application.

  • Microsoft Word paragraph stylesand outline numbering in document generation.

  • Overriding styles.

  • When to add styles to templates.

  • Steps for adding styles to templates.

  • Style examples.

Styles and Formatting

A style helps you format text in a document. MicrosoftWord styles exist to help you do both simple and complex formatting.In Microsoft Word, you can apply formatting to a document directlyusing the functions from toolbars and menus. For example, to formata heading, you could use the Bold button and the Font type and Font Size boxes on the Formatting toolbar.But if you had numerous headings in the document, for each similarheading, you would have to repeat the same functions for each headingto consistently format all the headings in the document. A MicrosoftWord style can enable you to define and reuse a set of formattingfunctions throughout the document.

Follow the instructions on the screen to save the file to your hard disk. Microsoft office für mac 2011 service pack 1. If you are using Safari, the downloaded file is saved to the desktop unless you specified a different location in the Preferences dialog box of Safari.

There are multiple types of styles in MicrosoftWord such as paragraph, characters, list, and table.

The Supplier Contract Management system requiresthat you use Microsoft Word paragraph styles to generate content becausea document consists of a series of paragraphs with different numberingand indentation. You define these paragraph styles the Microsoft Wordtemplate that is associated with each document configurator you create.By defining and using paragraph styles, you create consistent methodsof formatting and numbering content in authored documents. Users ofauthored documents can also use additional Microsoft Word styles ingenerated documents.

See Microsoft Word - Help and web sites provideinformation that pertains to features and functionality of Microsoftproducts.

See Styles and Formatting.


You use a Microsoft Word template file to managestyles and formatting for each document. The template file containsall of the paragraph styles that you can use in a generated document.For example, if you click the New and Blank Document buttonsin Microsoft Word, a blank document appears in which you can entertext. This is a file and all of the formatting default values forit are determined by its template, which is a file. file extension is for templates.

Table Style In Word

The Supplier Contract Management system uses a MicrosoftWord template file to manage styles during the generation of the document.The system provides sample templates with the system's sample datato provide you an example of how you can define templates for usewith documents.

Note: Supplier Contract Management uses XML for all documentcontent and for the Microsoft Word template. The file extension forthe Microsoft Word template is .xml, but the system uses it in a similarmanner as the Microsoft Word .dot file. You can use any MicrosoftWord template, but you must first save the file using the Word XMLDocument type.

While Supplier Contract Management uses MicrosoftWord templates they are not used in the traditional manner. The systemuses the Microsoft Word template as a starting point primarily toobtain paragraph styles that control the appearance of document contentas the system assembles the document. When you preview a clause, section,or document configurator or you generate a document, the system firstchecks the setup information and locates the actual template fileon the file transfer protocol server.

Note: In Supplier Contract Management, Microsoft Wordtemplates are not intended to store content. You use them to definevalid paragraph styles to apply when the system generates a document,or when you preview a clause, section, or document configurator. TheMicrosoft Word template can also contain optional table of contentsand header and footer fields that you can apply when the system generatescontract documents.

Since the use of Microsoft Word templates in SupplierContract Management is most likely different from how you currentlyuse templates, you should review the 'Defining Default Settings forDocument Formats and Options' section before creating and uploadingMicrosoft Word templates.

See Defining Default Settings for Document Formats and Options.

Sample Templates

The PeopleSoft installation CD provides a sampleMicrosoft Word template file. The STDTEMPLATE_2007.XMLtemplate containsMicrosoft Word paragraph styles and outline numbering that is usedin the PeopleSoft sample database. This file is included in the WINWORDfolder in the PeopleSoft installation CD.

Note: The sample databases include the definitional rowfor the STDTEMPLATE_2007.XML in the Document Template and Styles setupcomponent; however, you need to perform an actual upload of the actualSTDTEMPLATE_2007.XML file again to place the template on a specificattachment server.

Microsoft Word Templates and Document Generationand Preview

In creating a document, the system uses elementsfrom a Microsoft Word template to apply formatting to the document.To create the document, the system uses an application engine to expandall elements defined for the document configurator. The system assemblesXML from each expanded section, rule, or clause in the PeopleSoftdatabase into a Microsoft Word XML Document along with formattingfrom the Microsoft Word template.

To generate a preview version for a clause, section,or document configurator, and to generate an authored document, thesystem:

  1. Extracts Microsoft Word templateinformation (fonts, lists, styles, and document properties) from theMicrosoft Word template.

  2. Extracts the table of contentsand headers and footers from the Microsoft Word template for configuratorpreviews or document generation.

  3. Explodes the clause and sectioncontent based on the configurator and any rules within it for documentgeneration.

  4. Creates a Microsoft Word documentby assembling each XML version of PeopleSoft document configuratorcontent and simultaneously applies the appropriate paragraph stylesthat you predefine using the Document Format and Options page.

Formatting Application

When you preview a document, the system uses aMicrosoft Word default template file to generate a Microsoft Worddocument containing the content. You define the default template nameon the Document Format and Options page. The default template filemust contain a set of paragraph styles required for the preview andgenerate document function. You also define the paragraph styles foruse on the Document Format and Options page. The sample word templatedelivered by PeopleSoft contains Microsoft Word paragraph styles andoutline numbering that the PeopleSoft sample database uses.

When you click the PreviewDocument button for a clause or section, the system extractsthe stored XML for each of the document objects stored with the database.During the preview of a clause or section, the system generates textbased on the appropriate default Microsoft Word template paragraphstyle at the setID level stored in the database. The system uses defaultparagraph styles during document previews unless you have used clauseor section specific (override) paragraph styles or numbering. In thiscase, the system attempts to keep your override formatting for thespecific clause or section. The Overriding Styles section later inthis document discusses this concept further.

When you preview a document configurator, the systemuses the Microsoft Word template that you specify on the documentconfigurator to apply paragraph styles specific to the configurator.

The Create Document button initiates the document generation process. You specify thedocument configurator as part of the generation process. The configuratorcontains the Microsoft Word template. The generation process for creatingthe .XML file is similar to the preview, except during the expansionof the document configurator, the Supplier Contract Management systemoverrides the numbering and outline level formatting of the documentbased on the structure of the configurator.

Suppose the configurator has a structure consistingof a section and a clause and the section has two clauses. The standardnumbering formatting is set to start with 1 for the first level and 1.a for the second level. The document generation expansion processnumbers the section text title as 1. without indentation and indents each of the clauses in the section.The system numbers each clause in the section as 1.a and 1.b. The last clause is also at level one in the document configuratorand the system numbers it as 2 and does not indent it.

Note: Typically, you should not edit a document afterits generation to change its standard numbering and outline position.You should make these types of changes in the default Microsoft Wordtemplate that is stored in the PeopleSoft system. This maintains documentgeneration consistency if you apply the change to all documents thatare generated from that configurator.

Note: Setting up and using formats between PeopleSoftand Microsoft Word requires a working knowledge of formats and stylesand how they effect the appearance and use of documents. You shouldhave a complete understanding of Microsoft Word paragraph styles andformatting prior to creating the clause library. For additional informationabout Microsoft Word styles and formatting, see the Microsoft website. For example:


Style Planning

Planning how you use Microsoft Word styles in thedocument creation process is an important task when setting up theSupplier Contract Management application. Microsoft Word styles changethe way the that you view and print a document. You should considerstyles when you define these functions:

  • Clause and section previews.

    This function enables you to view the document contentbefore you generate the document. The Preview function is availablefor clauses and sections and uses the Microsoft Word template namedefined as a default value on the Document Format and Options page.Microsoft Word styles for previewing documents are simple paragraphstyles for clauses and include:

    • Numbered title and bodies.

    • Unnumbered titles and bodies.

    • Numbered bodies.

  • Document generation.

    This function uses a Microsoft Word template to createthe complete Microsoft Word XML Document through a document configurator.You define the Microsoft Word template on the Document ConfigurationDefinition page. The Microsoft Word style for document generationmight require additional formatting, such as headers, footers, andtable of contents.

    Multiple Microsoft Word templates might also berequired to support the document generation process. Each templateshould have all of the styles that are in the Microsoft Word templatethat you use to preview documents.

    For example, a simple form contract for rentingdormitories at a university might not require a table of contents;where as, contracts for sporting goods at the same university mightrequire a table of contents. In this example, you could create andupload two Microsoft Word templates into the PeopleSoft system. Youcan then create two document configurators, each referencing a differentMicrosoft Word template.

Style Application

When possible, ensure that the text you enter intoa clause or section document during editing uses the default styleof Normal. The PeopleSoft system converts the Normal style to theappropriate Word paragraph styles and outline numbering as definedin the Microsoft Word template and specified on the Document Formatand Options page. Using Normal text when possible enables you to betteruse the clause in a variety of configurators and have the system determinewhich styles, such as numbering and indentation, to apply for thatconfigurator based on its associated Microsoft Word template.

If you choose not to use the Normal style and insteadspecify specific styles in the clause or section content, it has anoverride affect on the generated document. This is described in the Overriding Styles topic.

Note: The content position in the document configuratormanages the numbering and indentation (outline level) during documentgeneration in the PeopleSoft system. However, the paragraph styleand any indentation of the outline numbering controls the numberingscheme and indentation of content in the Microsoft Word XML Documentthat the system generates.

Ms Word Table Styles

Warning! Use the Normal style when possible in clauses andsections. When you apply a specific style name in a clause or section,even if it is one of those defined in the standard template, the systemuses the attributes of those styles defined in the clause versus thosedefined in the template. This makes it more difficult to keep contentin the library consistent over time as you make changes in the templates.

Microsoft Word Paragraph Styles and OutlineNumbering in Document Generation

Microsoft Word paragraph styles combined with outlinenumbering determine the default formatting and numbering scheme forcontent included in a document configurator. Using paragraph stylesprovides consistent default formatting and numbering for all contentthat you select to include in a generated document.

In the Microsoft Word template, you must defineall the paragraph styles that the system can use as default documentformatting and all paragraph styles that you might use to overrideduring the editing of a clause or section. PeopleSoft provides sampleparagraph styles in the STDTEMPLATE_2007.XML template that demonstratethe use of styles. To access, review, and update styles:

  1. Access the Define Document Templatesand Styles page.

  2. Open the STDTEMPLATE_2007.XMLtemplate by clicking the View button.

    The system opens the Microsoft Worddocument.

  3. View the styles in MicrosoftWord.

    For example, select Styles from the Home tab.

    The Styles pane appears containing Microsoft Wordand PeopleSoft paragraph styles (those with a prefix of PS). Whenyou move the mouse pointer over a PeopleSoft style, and right-clickthe mouse, a list of values appears with options for maintaining thestyle.

    Click Create New in the first step and you’ll see that you have the option to create a form letter, label, envelope, or catalog. For our purposes, choose Apple Address Book.Word's Mail Merge ManagerNow start constructing your form letter, leaving spaces where you want to merge your data. Return to the Mail Merge Manager window and click the third step. Microsoft word mac mail merge email. For our purposes we’ll choose Form Letters.In the second step click on Get List and choose the source for the data that will be inserted into your form letter—names, addresses, and phone numbers, for example. Your options include New Data Source, Open Data Source, Office Address Book (the one found in Outlook), Apple Address Book (Apple’s Address Book application), and FileMaker Pro.

    Note: Always refer to Microsoft Help for specific documentationand instructions that pertain to Microsoft products.

Related Links

Overriding Styles

While generally not recommended, you can overridedefault paragraph styles that the PeopleSoft system applies basedon the styles defined on the Document Format and Options page. Youcan select another predefined clause or section specific paragraphstyle or numbering format as you edit a clause or section in a MicrosoftWord document. For example, if you want to add bullets in a clause,you must select a paragraph style that has a bulleted list associatedwith it in the Microsoft Word template. Then, you apply the new paragraphstyle to the specific area of the clause content. This override featurecan be useful when you have more complex clauses, with specific additionalnumbering specified within the clause or section that are needed whenthe basic numbering and outline levels defined for a configuratorand Microsoft Word template paragraph style are not sufficient.

When you use an override style that is not definedin the Microsoft Word template, the system saves the style and contentin an XML content in the PeopleSoft database. The system uses thenew style for preview and document generation processing rather thanthe paragraph style defined on the Document Format and Options page.

Warning! Using styles that are not defined in the MicrosoftWord template can result in a large file size for a clause or sectionand may exceed the PeopleSoft database long-field size storage capability.This is especially true when you are using International BusinessMachines DB2 and DB2 Unicode databases. To avoid this issue, use thenormal style in the clause or section content when possible.


Note: Always use the PreviewDocument button to view clause and section formats. Thepreview mode processes clauses similar to how the system generatesa document. The preview process enables the system to expose formattingissues before you generate the document. When previewing a document,you can evaluate which styles were applied during the process. Thishelps you identify and resolve any formatting issues.

When to Add Styles to Templates

You should add new Microsoft Word styles to thedefault Microsoft Word template in the system or to Microsoft Wordtemplates used by the document configurator when:

  1. You use the new style to createcontent.

    You can add a new style to the defaultMicrosoft Word template or to a document configurator Microsoft Wordtemplate to ensure that the Microsoft Word style is available foruse during document generation and if needed for overriding duringthe editing process of a clause or section. For example, you can makea new style in a template available during clause maintenance thatcan be used to override a standard style. Then when authors are editingthe clause or section, they can select the style in Microsoft Word.

  2. An organization has establisheddocument formatting standards.

    An organizationcan define a set of formatting standards for document. You can addthe resulting Microsoft Word styles to the Microsoft Word template.Then, through training, authors of generated documents can use thestyles correctly. You should also consider the document configuratorstructure as part of a style standardization project.

Note: Only administrators familiar with Microsoft Wordand the Supplier Contract Management system should make style andtemplate changes.

Steps for Adding Styles to Templates

To locate and add a new Microsoft Word style toa Microsoft Word template:

  1. From within PeopleSoft, openthe Document Template and Style page and select the View button for the default Microsoft Wordtemplate.

    Download the file to the MicrosoftWindows file system.

  2. Edit the file.

    The document might be blank since Microsoft Word template files donot generally contain content. One exception could be a table of contentsformatting tag.

  3. Use the official Microsoft Worddocumentation to add a new style, and save the resulting file in a.xml format.

  4. Open the Define Document Templateand Styles page in the Supplier Contract Management application.

  5. Click the Upload a file link.

    The system promptsyou to browse for the file within the file system. When you find thefile, click the Upload button.

    If you are updating the default Microsoft Word template,the name is the same as the existing Microsoft Word template in thesystem. The system prompts you that the row exists and the templateis in use. Since you are updating the template, you should click Yes.

Related Links

Style Examples

These topics provide several examples of how youcan format documents and displays sample formatting in Microsoft Word.

Unnumbered Clauses

To remove numbering from clause, ensure that theNumbered Clause check box on the Clause Definition page is clear.This example illustrates unnumbered clauses that have been includedin a section that is going through approval:

Image: Unnumbered clauses document example

This screen shotillustrates an example of unnumbered clauses

The default Microsoft Word style used for the previewdocument function is controlled by the information entered in the Document Text Styles grid on the DocumentFormat and Options page. In this example, the content includes fiveclauses incorporated into a section. Each of the clauses has a unnumberedtitle and a body under the unnumbered title for an unnumbered clause.

The default value for the Microsoft Word style isthe value you enter in the Unnumbered TitleStyle field. You enter the paragraph style for the bodyin the Microsoft Word style for the BodyStyle under Unnumbered Title field. Supplier ContractManagement provides sample Microsoft Word styles for the PSUnnumHeading and PSBody2 values.

Numbered Clauses

Image: Numbered clauses document example

This screen shot illustrates a example of a numberedclause document:

The default value the system uses for the MicrosoftWord style to preview documents is controlled by the information enteredin the Document Text Styles gridon the Document Format and Options page. In this example, the contentincludes five clauses. Each clause has a numbered title and a bodyunder the numbered title for a numbered clause. The default valuefor the Microsoft Word style is the value you enter in theNumbered Title Style field. You enter theparagraph style for the body in the Microsoft Word style for the Body Style under Numbered Title field.Supplier Contract Management provides sample Microsoft Word stylesfor the PSNumHeading and PSBody1 values.

Indented Numbered Content

Image: Indented numbered content in a document example

This screen shot illustrates an example of indentednumbered content in a generated document:

The document configurator controls the numberingand how the content is arranged with respect to the left margin forthe generated document. In this example, the Outline Position column in the Content Elements grid sets the numbering for each ofthe content. The section Warranties and Representations of Supplier,has an outline position value of 2 and the section contains a clause, General Product Warranty, andanother section, General Service Warranty. The numbering of contentwithin the first section has an outline position value starting with 2.1. The indentation of each content elementfollows the outline position value as well.

The Microsoft Word style controls the numberingformat. The Numbered Section or the Numbered Clausecheckboxes in each of the content elements controls the numbering in thedocument.

If the check box for the parent content elementis selected, the system also numbers any content element within theparent. In this example, the section, General Service Warranty, wouldhave the numbering checked, the clause, Qualification, would be numberedeven if the Numbered Clause checkbox was not selected.

Table styles are new for Word and Excel in Office 2011 for Mac. The Ribbon’s Table Styles gallery and submenu make it very easy to apply great formats to your tables, so we’re sure you’ll like them.

Defining Custom Table Styles In Microsoft Word Mac 2011

Applying a table style in Office 2011 for Mac

All you do to apply a table style is click into a table and then click on a table style in the gallery or its submenu. The Clear Table Style option restores your table’s original format. The colors of the options in the gallery are influenced by the current theme.

Making a new table style in Office 2011 for Mac

In Word 2011, you can use the elaborate Styles dialog. PowerPoint doesn’t let you make new table styles. The option to make a new table style is available at the bottom of the Table Styles submenu in Excel. Choosing this option displays the New Table Style dialog. When using the Excel New Table Style dialog, here’s what you need to know:

  • Name: Enter a name for your new table style.

  • Table element: Select which table element you want to format or clear.

  • Format: Opens a secondary dialog with font, border, and fill formatting options for the selected table element.

  • Clear: Clears the formatting for the selected table element.

  • Set as Default Table Style for This Workbook: If you choose this option, the current table style will be applied to any new tables you make in the active workbook.

Defining Custom Table Styles In Microsoft Word Mac Download

If you apply a theme after applying a table style, the theme colors and fonts override your table style. You can apply direct formatting to a table even after you have applied a style or theme.