Microsoft Quantum Development Kit Mac

  1. Microsoft Quantum Development Kit Pdf
  2. Microsoft Quantum Computer
  3. Microsoft Quantum Language
  4. Microsoft Quantum Research

We're bringing quantum apps to life with an easy to use tool set, deep integration with leading development environments, and open-source resources. The Microsoft Quantum Development Kit is the fastest path to quantum development. Microsoft’s Quantum Development Kit Expands to MacOS and Linux Several months after its launch, the Quantum Development Kit quantum computing suite is now available to developers on Mac and Linux.

While many in the tech industry are touting their ability to blend Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning into their software and services, Microsoft has begun moving to another concept of grandeur in Quantum Computing.

During lengthy keynotes at WinHec and at Build 2017, Microsft CEO Satya Nadella spoke ad nausem about the possibilities of Quantum Computing and it seems the company is inching closer to making its vision a reality.

Microsoft Quantum Development Kit Pdf

Announced yesterday, Microsoft has updated its Quantum Developer Kit and expanded its support to include both Linux and Mac operating systems.

Today we’re announcing updates to our Quantum Development Kit, including support for macOS and Linux, additional open source libraries, and interoperability with Python. These updates will bring the power of quantum computing to even more developers on more platforms. At Microsoft, we believe quantum computing holds the promise of solving many of today’s unsolvable problems and we want to make it possible for the broadest set of developers to code new quantum applications.

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Quantum Development Kit updates: support for macOS, Linux, plus Python and Q# interoperability

While many in the tech industry are touting their ability to blend Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning into their software and services, Microsoft has begun moving to another concept of grandeur in Quantum Computing. During lengthy keynotes at WinHec and at Build 2017, Microsft CEO Satya Na

Microsoft Quantum Computer

Per the request of the developer community, Microsoft was excited to bring Q# building of quantum applications to the macOS and Linux as well as VS Code and quantum simulation for all. Other important update notes include:

  • Full open source license for our quantum development libraries and samples. In December, we shared the source code for our libraries to help developers understand how Q# constructs work. Many developers wanted to do more than just learn with that code; they wanted to re-use it in their own applications and contribute their own enhancements back to the Q# community. We think that’s a great idea, so we’ve open-sourced the libraries here.
  • Interoperability with the Python programming language. Many developers have existing libraries of code in Python so we wanted to give them easy access to that functionality from Q# without having to port anything. Available as a preview on Windows today, Python interoperability allows Q# code to call Python routines directly, and vice-versa.
  • Faster simulator performance. We’ve increased our quantum simulator performance by up to 4-5x, giving you a much faster testing and optimization loop, especially on simulations involving 20 or more qubits.

The update is available now via a download from Microsoft’s Quantum developer blog. According to several recent sessions on the company’s developer video blog Channel 9, Microsoft plans to take several opportunities to discuss Quantum Computing at this years developer conference, so we should expect to see similar announcements leading up to May.

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Tags: Build 2017 Linux macOS Microsoft Python Quantum Computing WinHEC

Microsoft Quantum Language

Microsoft released the first version of its quantum development kit and a new quantum computing programming language Q# last December. Today, the company has released an update that adds support for quantum development on macOS and Linux. Both the Q# language, and the company's quantum simulator, will run on these platforms in addition to Windows.

The new release of the simulator is much faster than the first release, with the company saying that it runs four to five times faster, especially on simulations with 20 or more qubits.

The quantum libraries and samples are now available under an open source license—the source to these was previously merely shared—enabling others to modify and extend them. Interoperability with existing libraries is also being improved: Microsoft is working on integrating Python support. On Windows, today's release includes a preview of the Python integration, which allows Q# programs to call Python code and vice versa.

Microsoft's quantum simulator (a small version of which can run locally, with a larger version that runs in the cloud) is intended to aid the development and understanding of quantum programs. It allows the quantum state to be inspected (something not possible with a real quantum state, because inspecting it collapses the wave function and forces it to take a distinct value) and for the scaling and performance profile of quantum programs to be measured. What it can't do, however, is quantum computing on a large scale; the memory and computational demands grow exponentially with the number of simulated qubits—32 qubits requires 32GB of RAM, and each additional qubit doubles the memory requirements.

The simulator is intended to be a precursor to real quantum hardware, which Microsoft is also working on. Microsoft's quantum computing efforts are built around a concept called a topological qubit. The topological qubit is attractive because it should be much more robust than the qubits used in other quantum computers; while Microsoft's system will still have to operate at the near-absolute zero temperatures used in other quantum machines, it should require substantially fewer qubits for error-checking and correction, compared to those other systems.

Microsoft Quantum Research

The company doesn't have a working topological qubit computer yet, but Todd Holmdahl, CVP of Microsoft Quantum Computing, told us that he's confident that there will be at least a single working qubit by year end. As part of its quantum efforts, Microsoft has also been investing in the manufacturing technology that it intends to use to build its quantum computing—think nanoscale 3D printing—and so the expectation is that scaling up to two, three, and more qubits should happen relatively rapidly after that first qubit is built.